Jay Gould was a multimillionaire, but he was an un happy man. When he was dying he said “I suppose I am the most miserable man on earth money can’t buy a happy marriage, obedient children or enjoyment in ones work
Gordon P. GETTY THE RICHEST AMERICA OF HIS TIME SAID THE BEST thing in life required afford and study rather than money to gain wealth at the expose  of justice, honesty and integrity is to lose what money cannot buy- honor, self –respect and a good reputation (J. Carl Laney)

To posses money is very well, it could be a most valuable servant to be possed by it is to be possed by a devil and one of the meanest and worst kind of devil (Tyrone Edward)

Money is power and you have to be reasonably ambition to have it (Russell Conwell)

A person can be wealth without being g successful that explain why some rich people commit suicide. (John C. Maxwell)

Someone said beware of little expenses. A little leak can sink a great ship)
Money is a good servant but a poor master (j Carl laney)
When I was young I thought that money was the most important things in life, now that I am old, I KNOW THAT IT IS. (Oscar wiled)
The budgeting of money is a critical issue. Our eye tend to be larger than our pocket books (Napleon Hilll)

Make your money work for you and you will not have to work so hard for it (Napoleon Hill)

Money is tool. Second only to though, money can be converted into more things than anything else in the universe. It may not bring intangible like health, love and peace of mind –may it can go long way to creating the circumstances that make even these in tangle possible (Danis D Hunt)

Wishing will not bring riches but desiring riches with state of mind that become a obsession then planning definite ways and means toacquire riches and backing those plans with persistence which does not recognize failure will bring riches .(Orrin C.Hudson)

Money without brains always is dangerous properly used,it is the most  important essential of civilization (Orrin C.Hudson)

Nothing brings a man so much suffering and humility as poverty only those who have experience poverty understand the fully meaning of this (Orrin C.Hudson)

There can be no compromise between POVERTY and RICHES these two road that lead to poverty and riches travel in opposite direction if you want riches you must refuse to accept any circumstances that lead toward poverty. (Orrin C. Hudson)

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