A person who has one or more of the following signs is probably too sick to be treated at home without skilled medical help. His/her life may be in danger. Seek medical assistance

Ø  Loss of large amount of blood from any part of the body
Ø  Coughing up blood
Ø  Marked blueness of lips and nails (if it’s new)
Ø  Great difficulty in breathing; does not improve with rest
Ø  The person cannot be wakened (coma)
Ø  The person is so weak he faints when he stands up
Ø  A day or more without being able to urinate
Ø  A  day or more without being able to drink any liquids
Ø  Heavy  vomiting or severe diarrhea that lasts for more than one day or more than a few hours in babies
Ø  Black stools like tar, or vomit with blood
Ø  Strong, continuous pain with vomiting in a person who does not have diarrhea or cannot have bowel movement
Ø  A strong continuous pain that lasts for more than 3days
Ø  Weight loss over an extended time

Ø  Blood in urine  

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